Wurk - App Centre Ratings, Reviews & Responses Policy

Wurk - App Centre Ratings, Reviews & Responses Policy

WURK - App Center Ratings, Reviews & Responses Policy


Last Revised: 05/12/2024


General Considerations


The Ratings and Reviews functionality is designed to allow merchants,

hereinafter referred to as "Users," to submit one-to-five-star ratings and

accompanying reviews regarding their experience with an application they are

subscribed to, hereinafter referred to as "App," the App Center. Similarly, App

developers, hereinafter referred to as "Providers," may also respond to

reviews directly to answer questions and address User concerns.




Users subscribed to an App can rate the App on the App Center using a scale

of one to five stars, where one star is the lowest rating and five stars the

highest. Whenever a User submits a new rating, the Provider will be notified

via email so they can respond to it in a timely manner.

Each rating submitted to the App Center will be taken into account for the

app's overall rating, which is permanent and cannot be reset. The general app

rating will also be displayed as part of the app in all instances of the App

Center, including PoyntHQ, IPS, and on-device. It will also be displayed in

sections such as recommendations, vertical categorizations, and search


We have also established a straightforward equation to calculate the App's

overall rating, adding up all ratings and dividing them by the total amount of

ratings. (See example below)

l X = Total sum of ratings

l Y = Total count of ratings

l X/Y = App's rating

In this example, the App has received four different ratings, each one with a

specific star value.


l 1st Rating = 4 stars

l 2nd Rating = 3 stars

l 3rd Rating = 5 stars

l 4th Rating = 4 stars

l ______________

l X = 16


Y = 4


X/Y = 16/4 = 4 stars

After replacing the variables, the final App rating for this application would be

four stars.


External Utilization of Ratings


Providers may use their app’s general rating on the App Center as part of

their marketing materials as long as it accurately reflects the current rating

provided. However, using User comments or written reviews is strictly

prohibited unless it is explicitly authorized by the User in question.


Reviews and Responses


Users also have the possibility to include a written review whenever they

submit an App rating. This feature allows them to provide a more detailed

explanation of their rating and their experience with the App. We encourage

Providers to respond to all written reviews to establish their App as a reliable

and trustworthy solution for users.

WURK reserves the right to take appropriate action in response to violations

of this policy including without limitation, flagging and removing from the App

Center reviews and responses that indicate a conflict of interest or contain

inappropriate content.

Examples of reviews that may indicate a conflict of interest:

l The review is written by any of the Provider’s current or former employees.

l The User providing the review is somehow affiliated with the Provider.

l The review is written by a competitor.

l The User will or has received payments or any other incentives as a result

of writing the review.

l The Provider has written the review on behalf of the app User.

l Adding personal information, self-promotion, spam, or any other

information that may incur a conflict of interest.

Examples of reviews or responses that may contain inappropriate content:

l Content that promotes or condones violence or encourages hatred toward

an individual or group based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion,

gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status,

or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic marginalization,

racism or discrimination.

l Opinions, links, or any other content that includes or relates to illegal


l Content that contains, promotes or solicits sexually explicit content.

l Content depicting children in sexual situations or referring to them in a

sexual manner.

l Reviews or responses containing obscene, profane or offensive language.

l Opinions that harass, stalk or attack others.


Reporting Content


If you see a review or a response that contains offensive material, spam, or

any other content that violates this policy, you may report this directly to

WURK, who will investigate, flag and remove the content as necessary to

ensure compliance with the established policy.





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